Women’s Touch in Hong Kong
Trio Exhibition of
Rosanna Li, Annie Wan and Sara Tse’s Ceramics Works
2020.07.10 - 08.09 @TOUCH Ceramics
To embrace the third year of Touch Ceramics, we are honoured to have three top-notch contemporary ceramic artists, Rosanna Li, Annie Wan and Sara Tse to bring audience their unique works. While the touches and styles of their works are different, they have the same enthusiasm and persistence in telling stories by the use of clay. All of them create their art in Hong Kong, and the art has been seen by the world.
In this exhibition, we will exhibit a total of 30 pieces of their latest and signature works. Rosanna’s ceramic figurines give us a tranquil and carefree break in the middle of the hectic life. Annie is dedicated to historical books into timeless clay works. Sara’s delicate and poetic porcelain works represent mothers’ love. They works can also touch the softest part of our hearts.
The soft clay can be shaped into different forms, while the touches and colour of the clay can be completely different after firing. The combination of strength and gentleness is the nature of the medium, it is also the impressions of the three artists.
We sincerely invite you to come and have a visit, so as to touch and feel the amazing works.