ARTISTS / Lau Kam Hung
Lau Kam Hung (b. 1988) graduated from RMIT University in 2014 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, and obtained a Master of Fine Arts degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2016.
How Chinese literati paintings get involved in and handle "landscape" (shanshui) really intrigues me. Studying literati shanshui has made me realised that it is not merely the mediums or tools that make the genre different, more importantly, the genre's own perspective of nature and its exploration of subject-object relations. In Chinese painting history, Song and Yuan paintings captivate me the most. They capture the mature development and rich history of Chinese painting, as well as adequately conveying the human perception of their relationship with objects through visual presentations of : the large and small, distant and close, moving and still, heavy and light, abundant and sparse, swift and slow, intricate and simple, informed and uninformed, rationality and sensibility, ideal and reality. I endeavour to express such essence in all of my artistic creations.
2016 Master of Arts in Fine Arts (M.A.) The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2014 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) RMIT University
Group Exhibitions
2023 “The Collectible Art Fair”, Jockey Club Atrium & Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre
“New Moon Rising: A Contemporary Tale”, Touch Ceramics, Hong Kong
“In Wonderland”, Touch Gallery, Central
2022 “Through the Grapevine”, Diana Cheung Experimental Gallery, 3/F Hong Kong Arts Centre UOB Art Space Ink Awards Winners'
2021 “Ink and Beyond – 2021 UOB Art in Ink Awards Winners' Showcase”, Asia Standard Tower, 59 Queen’s Road Central, Central,
Hong Kong
2016 “Everything must go – CUHK MAFA Graduate Exhibition”, Uk Kei –JCCAC, 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon
"Uk Kei –JCCAC”, 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon
2015 “〇 – The Path –”, Hui Gallery Cheng Ming Building, NA College
2014 “RMIT & HKAS BAFA Graduate Exhibition”, The Pao Gallery, Hong Kong
2021 UOB Ink Art of the Year Award (Bronze Award)
2014 RMIT University ( Bachelor of Arts ) Art Prize