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語言:廣東話 / English
費用:$2,100 (4 堂 +材料費)
導師:王森 / Yasmin Pat / 劉逸偉


逢星期一 - 10:30AM - 1:00PM 廣東話及English

逢星期二 - 3:00PM – 5:30PM 廣東話 / 7:15PM – 9:45PM 廣東話

逢星期四 - 3:00PM – 5:30PM 廣東話
(每堂共2.5 小時)

地點:中環荷李活道10號大館三座203室Touch Ceramics



Yasmin Pat (逢星期一)

來自北歐的Yasmin老師,研習陶瓷多年,熱愛藝術,曾遠赴台灣深造及向日本藝術家前田央子取經,深造練上手的技巧 。Yasmin老師為 Touch Ceramics 教授多個陶藝工作坊,以輕鬆的方式與大家分享陶藝的樂趣,深受學生歡迎。


王森 Enders Wong (逢星期二)

王森畢業於香港中文大學藝術系(1995藝術學士, 2015藝術文學碩士)。


劉逸偉 (逢星期四)
劉逸偉老師一直有參與本地及海外陶瓷展覽,也曾任日本滋賀縣信樂陶瓷文化公園駐場藝術家。他已參與數次TOUCH Ceramics 展覽,如《千面。酒皿珍藏展》、《流動的盛宴 酒皿珍藏展》、《浪漫。觸動》,劉老師最近展出的作品是一套具獨創性的皺紋紙杯清酒皿,更用上真金釉,熟悉而默生的豪華造型,是清酒最好的伴侶。




【English Pottery Class Info】
Different from most of the pottery class, our tutors will start each lesson with an introduction to the ceramic world by sharing the works from different ages, places and artist. We believe that the sharing can inspire you to create your own works.

Our classes are all rounded and suitable for all levels. In a relaxing space, our experienced tutors will try their best to boost your skills and most importantly, creativity.

Tutor: Yasmin Pat
Level: Any levels
Medium of language: Chinese/English
Fee:$2,100 for 4 lessons, including material fee (1 class/per week)
Fixed schedule options:
Every Monday 10:30AM - 1:00PM  (2.5 hours)
Venue:Touch Ceramics, Shop 203, 2/F, Barrack Block 3, Tai Kwun, 10 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong

【Tutor of the Pottery Class】 
Yasmin Pat, a ceramic enthusiast who has been practicing various ceramic technique and Kintsugi in the past years. As a foodie and seasoned chef, Yasmin enjoys pairing food with fine ceramic works. She went to learn the technique of neriage from a master in Japan and Taiwan.

Yasmin is the instructor of number pottery workshops and private classes in Touch Ceramics. She teaches in a relaxing and fun way that attracts a lot of students.


Upon receiving your application, we will contact you soon to confirm the class start date. 

陶藝恆常課程 Pottery Regular Class

  • 1) 學生如因事不能參與課程,請於課堂前3日前通知我們,以便作出改期安排,否則視為缺課並不會補堂(除第2、3點列出之情況)。
    2) 如於課堂開始時間的兩小時前天文台依然懸掛8號或以上的熱帶氣旋警告信號或黑色暴雨警告信號,該課堂將順延一週舉行。
    3) 如因身體不適未能參加課堂並出示有效醫生證明,可申請順延課堂一週,如未能出示醫生證明,則不獲補堂。
    4) 4堂課程請於6星期內完成。
    5) 學生須在每一期課程的第四堂交付學費,以預留下一期之名額。
    6) 我們會為暫停/已完成課程的學生保管其作品一個月,保管期後我們有權安排以任何方式處理未被領取的作品。
    7) 在任何情況下,已交付的學費不設退款。


    1) If enrolled student cannot attend the class, we require a notice 3 days prior to the scheduled class so as to reschedule the make-up class for free. Otherwise, absence will be taken and no make-up class will be provided (except for the situations listed on points 2 and 3).
    2) If Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is/are still hoisted two hours before class, the class will be cancelled and postponed to the next week.
    3) Students who cannot join the class due to sickness are required to provide a valid medical proof in order to reschedule the class, for students who cannot provide a valid medical proof, then the class cannot be rescheduled.
    4) 4 Classes are required to be finished within 6 weeks.
    5) Current students are required to pay the fee for the next cycle on the fourth class of the current cycle.
    6) We will keep the students' works for a month starting from the date of his/her last lesson. We are entitled to freely arrange or dispose the unpicked works after the period.
    7) All paid fees are non-refundable in any circumstances.

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